Thursday, November 4, 2010

5th Grade Picasso Portraits

5th grade students each received their own sketchbook this year to understand the importance the role of sketching plays when designing an artwork or product. They started off the year reviewing right side of the brain drawing and thinking using their facial features. We talked about how cubist artists started a movement using different perspectives of the same object, person or landscape in the same composition.

Here are some of their sketches and transfers to their final copy:


  1. I love how these look. I'm going to try doing something really similar with my youngest art students this year. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Let me know how it works out. I'd love to see photos!

  3. Absolutely love these Picasso portraits. I'm assuming you looked at example of Picasso's art. Fantastic...will definitely do this with my year 5s next year. Excellent!

  4. Of course! We never do a project without looking at numerous examples! Thanks for the compliment and good luck!
